climate change wa

2017 has the coldest February day ever in Western Australia

9 February 2017 was the coldest February day across Western Australia since 1910, based on a comparison with homogenised daily temperatures within the Australian Climate Observations Reference Network (ACORN-SAT).

The tables below show how the 9 February 2017 average maximum temperature at 24 of the ACORN stations in WA rank by comparison with previous daily records.

The comparison is based on 24 of the 25 ACORN stations in WA because the Bureau of Meteorology doesn't provide the maxima recorded on 9 February 2017 at Port Hedland.

The tables below also show how 10 and 11 February 2017 ranked among all February days recorded since 1910, creating a record or near record series of consecutive coldest days across WA during 9-11 February 2017 - from Kalumburu to Cape Leeuwin to Eucla and all relevant ACORN-SAT stations in between.

coldest february days in wa since 1910

Note that the 2nd, 9th and 13th places are 14, 15 and 16 February 1955. The average of 14 and 15 Feb 1955 is 23.79C. The average of 9 and 10 Feb 2017 is 23.31C, so it was the coldest two consecutive February days since 1910.

The average of 14, 15 and 16 Feb 1955 is 24.16C. The average of 9, 10 and 11 Feb 2017 is 23.89C, so it was also the coldest three consecutive February days at the 13 stations since 1910.

The table below shows all 24 ACORN stations that have 9 February 2017 maximums available, but with the comparison starting in 1976 so that all stations are contributing since the opening of Learmonth from 1976.

coldest february days in wa since 1976

Note that the 16th, 2nd and 8th places are 19, 20 and 21 February 2008. The average of 19 and 20 Feb 2008 is 26.13C. Also, the 3rd and 10th coldest February days since 1976 were 16 and 17 Feb 1990, with an average maximum of 26.10C.

The average of 9 and 10 Feb 2017 is 25.80, so it was the coldest two consecutive February days since 1976.

The average of 19, 20 and 21 Feb 2008 is 26.26C. The average of 9, 10 and 11 Feb 2017 is 26.34C, so it was the second coldest three consecutive February days at the 24 stations since 1976.

The average of 19, 20 and 21 Feb 2008 is 26.26C. The average of 9, 10 and 11 Feb 2017 is 26.32C. so 9-11 February 2017 across WA were the second coldest three consecutive February days since 1976.

The Bureau of Meteorology Climate Summary for WA shows that on 8, 9 and 10 February 2017, 33 WA weather stations had their record lowest February daily maximum temperature. Their new record maxima averaged 17.04C and the previous record low February daily maxima at the 33 stations averaged 18.84C.

The BoM Monthly Climate Summary also shows eight WA weather stations had their record lowest February mean daily maximum temperature, their average being 27.54C. The previous record lowest February mean daily maximum temperature at the eight stations averaged 27.85C.

Three WA weather stations had their record lowest February mean temperature (Esperance Aero, Rocky Gully, York), their average being 20.67C. The previous record lowest February mean temperature at the three stations averaged 20.93C.

Click here for Excel of all February days recorded at 25 ACORN stations in WA since 1910

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